We are now out and about in the world. Together, observing and participating in what comes our way. As we visit friends, family and sacred places we will share the laughter and the depth in what we find.
From our hearts to yours, here is our first blog. More coming soon from Sedona.
Basking in the delicious tropical moisture of Hawaii, we are also deeply enjoying the depth of the energies and exuberant fun of Sedona, still resonating in our cells! The integration between desert and ocean expands daily …We hope you enjoy the images here … stay tuned for the Grand Canyon and More!
From our hearts to yours, here is our second blog!
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Mer-Folk In the Great Lakes
I am going to take a leap into a realm that I have recently been visiting. The leap is not that I have been experiencing the life of others, in a realm that we don’t often think about. The leap is about sharing it.
And sharing is what these gentle mer-folk have [...]
I have heard for many years that dolphins can “heal” us. Now I know that they really can. Perhaps they are simply offering energetic information that we can access and follow. However they affect us, healing and balance is the outcome.
I have expressed my feelings about how wondrous and personally integrating face-to-face time with the [...]
Imagine waking up each morning with only a few things to be aware of…
As a dolphin you are aware, through telepathic and feeling ‘sensors’, of the other members of your pod swimming around you. You are aware of the ‘plan’ for the pod that reveals itself as each moment presents itself. You are aware that [...]
Talking about the Unseen
What is it about the dolphins that we find so irresistible?
They look so beautiful, they glide with such effortless grace, and they demonstrate their freedom simply by living wild in the sea. Dolphins live a life unencumbered by things or by written laws…the choices they make are based on that which is [...]
I have just returned from a glorious two-week initiation with pods of wild dolphins in the Pacific waters of Hawaii’s Big Island. The experience was an initiation into a world so divine that it defies many of the ‘laws’ and standards that we tend to accept as normal in our human world.
Learning from the dolphins [...]
The world as we know it is changing in so many ways…
This flux is not new. The flow from one experience to another is part of the timelessness of our existence. That we have changing needs, changing habits and changes in friendship, career and location is all normal.
And yet it feels as if there are [...]
As far as the sun knows, it is now giving us, the inhabitants of the Northern hemisphere, a little more light every day. Every day will have a few more minutes of sunlight than the previous one.
I wonder if we notice this.
Do you notice this subtle change each day?
Or do you realize at some point [...]
What is your breath doing?
We have established previously that the breath is not only vital to the survival of our physical being, but that it is also vital to the sustenance and maintenance of our spiritual and emotional bodies.
When the breath is fluid within us, encountering no obstacles or blockages, we can utilize the oxygen, [...]
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Achieve Freedom, Live a Better Life! But How?
Anatara, in partnership with Kiala at Quantum Play Journeys, will be holding a Tele-Seminar Series, a three-part program that consists of 18, live 2 hour classes and recordings. Both will talk about how people can entrain their bodies into the quantum field and achieve freedom.
Kiala and Anatara will also be holding a Quantum Journey at Kauai, Hawaii. Join them in an 11-day adventure as they bask in a unique experience that will reawaken their dormant DNA strands to not only harness a deeper connection with love, but also expand their intuitive abilities!
Click here for more information about the Quantum Journey!
Flowing Into Awareness is a bi-weekly program at YogaHub hosted by Anatara where she discusses the flow into the ultimate awareness of how you fit into your life and the world around you.
Click here to view the program on YogaHub or click on the items below to listen to the latest episodes.
“As the healer’s healer, Anatara has the unique gift to zero in on the heart of any issue and offer insight... she always leaves me clearer, more optimistic and more trusting of myself to maintain my own connection to spirit.” by Dawn Young Salt Spring Island, B.C.
“Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation.” by Eileen Caddy