Flowing Into Awareness
A television series airing every other week on YogaHub.TV – also available on iTunes
Being in a constant state of flow enables the ultimate expression of each of us as a human being. Are you sometimes tangled up in a loop that prevents the awareness that would set you in motion? Let’s open our senses so that we are not held back. Flow into the ultimate awareness of how you fit into your life, and the world around you.
- Airing: Every other Wednesday at 12:30pm PT (3:30 ET)
Enjoy an episode now!
Episode Titles:
YogaHub.TV – Interview on Pod Mentality

Click here to watch the full Interview on YHTV…
Messages from the Dolphins
Guided Meditations
- Creating Space for Effervescent Living
- Drinking Effervescence
- Inhaling Clarity, an Effervescent Delight
Effervescence & Bubbling Thoughts
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Articles, Reviews & Interviews
- Effervescence with Anatara: Spirit and intuition with a bubbly twist – National Spiritual Pathways | Examiner.com by MaryEllen Obrien