A Dynamic Time of Change
Who would want to deny that we feel a lot of movement around us in the form of new changes, new opportunities and some new fears? Even if we don’t believe, or even feel, that the world as we know it ‘will end’ in 2012, there is a flux and an uncertainty apparent in so many things.
The business world reflects this instability. Politically some governments are experiencing complete upheaval. Many of the guideposts that we have relied on as being concrete and immutable are shifting. Sometimes it seems as if it is all out of control. But is it?
I see the changes as a re-balancing of the natural laws of life, a re-balancing that signals the coming of age of truth and Love on this planet. We may even experience some more darkness as we move forward through to the harmony we are all meant to have.
Since the shift is inevitable, why put on the brakes by resisting the truth rushing all around us? Let’s celebrate the magic instead, because this truly is a time to see the magic!
Let’s take up our own roles of leadership, friendship, helper and participant, as we accept this incredible opportunity to become more awake, aware and vibrant!
Are you with me? I think that you are, With Love,
Life Awareness Counselling Practice
Stop going around in circles, and get to the heart of you, beyond your unhappiness!!!
Bringing Your Passion to Your Shift
Discovering Your Vitality and Direction
In my Life Awareness Counselling Practice, I help you to unravel the identity that you have given yourself through eons of false information from the world around you. Together we help you to see with new eyes, the TRUTH of you, so that you can live what you are good at .
Call (250)538-0066 for a free consultation
“Anatara’s loving, gentle guidance has changed my life. She listens with her whole being and has helped me to see myself anew. She has also assisted my teenagers to see themselves more clearly and walk towards who they know themselves to be, rather than other peoples definition of them. Those of us who know Anatara are transformed in her light”
Colette Ryder
Professional Life Coach/Musician
Kincardine Ont.
January Feature
Your Light Returns
The world as we know it is changing in so many ways…
This flux is not new. The flow from one experience to another is part of the timelessness of our existence. That we have changing needs, changing habits and changes in friendship, career and location is all normal.
And yet, it feels as if there are bigger changes afoot all around us right now.
When we feel a new and dynamic form of energy start to affect us, sometimes we embrace it, and sometimes we just want to shut it out. When it’s an unknown sensation, and there’s no one who can explain it to us, the quick reaction would be to ignore it, or to avoid it altogether.
As one of many species on earth we have been preparing for theBIG changes set to come our way in this magical year of 2012. I believe that feeling the magic, instead of retreating in uncertainty, is our call to Love.
The most certain way to find a sense of stability as we shift from forms of fear into forms of Love, is to look toward what our gut instincts, or our Intuition, has to tell us…
This means that we can discover what our most earnest passion is, and find out where it wants to be expressed. Wouldn’t life be easier and much more exciting if we lived what excites us? Living what excites us also means that we live what we are good at.
As our awareness of the oneness of life expands, it becomes more difficult to deny the truth of who we are and what we are good at. It becomes harder to deny our passions, and to deny how we want to live that passion!
I will be speaking about this at the Virtual Yoga Conference “Yoga, Meditation and the Philosopher’s Stone” this February. I will be speaking about Using Intuition in this Dynamic and Passionate Time of Change.
We will look at ways to work with what we know, but don’t always acknowledge, to give us a sense of purpose and safety as we transition to the magical new awareness we are opening to.
I highly recommend this conference. To listen to my brief description of the conference click the audio postcard below…it only costs $99 if you register by Jan 31st!

Breathe, meditate, play and accept the opening, which you have been craving.
Blessings and Love,