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Using Intuition in Times of Change – Workshop Description

Many people may feel that they are not ‘doing’ enough right now. They feel that there simply must be something that they should be actively engaged in, something that, in the ‘doing’, is working for the greater good.

Many sense that there is deep planetary change afoot. They can feel themselves perched on the cusp of a change. The change seems imminent. The change seems rather pressing. The change feels unavoidable. There is also a sense that whatever the change may be, it is more important than anything else that may have happened to them thus far in their lives.

We are all feeling something. For some of us, it feels inevitable. For some, it feels frightening. For others, there is the understanding that we must engage in whatever it is by actively participating in the movement. There simply must be a role for each individual to play.

Discovering what this role is becomes paramount for many.

There is the feeling that, unless we know how to participate, we are wasting our time. Or we are not taking the responsibility of being human seriously enough.

  • Do you wonder about what is unfolding right now for humanity?
  • Do you have an ‘active’ connection to the Source of All That Is, which helps to inform you of what your role is now, or what it might become?
  • Do you feel that you are doing enough to support the transformation of consciousness for yourself and others?
  • Would you like to have clear and direct communication to your evolving being?

In conjunction with our Intuition, we can develop the skill to identify and harness that which we are good at, and that which we are meant to be doing.

Join Anatara in uncovering, identifying, and mastering your most precious gifts. We all need each other to be fully engaged in this clarity of being.

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