INTUITION the INNER TUTOR With Anatara “I encourage any one who wishes to ‘understand’ the language of truth which is ever available to us when we are open to it, to come and join me in the discovery of your intuitive nature and the language through which it speaks to you .” A 6 Week Course April 5 – May 10, 2010. Each week I will introduce and lead you through verbal and written exercises to discover, sharpen, and utilize your intuitive nature and harness this intuitive guidance. Between classes you will be able to practice on your own. – We will utilize our breathing as an instrument to clear pain, resistance, fear and all other forms of distraction in our bodies and in our lives. -There will be lots of opportunity to share your discoveries and to ask questions. To join me, or inquire please email or call (250)538-0066 (Pacific Time Zone). About Anatara: Beginning with an Honours BA in Psychology and Medical Anthropology, Anatara has crystallized her intuitive healing practice as a Yoga Instructor, Therapeutic Touch Practitioner, Caregiver and Guide for the Dying, Communicator to the Angelic Realms, and as a Certified Awareness Practitioner of the Clarity Institute. She has been a favourite in private practice, with workshop groups, and with television audiences for 25 years. History of intuitive work: Anatara brings open understanding, revelation, clarity and peace to the clients in her Life Awareness Counselling practice. These are not things created between counsellor and seeker, they are the matrix of the underlying platform of all individual and human beings, which hover beneath the surface of busy lives and crowded, overworked minds. Through simple and direct awareness enhancing queries from Anatara, one slips gently into revelation about the true source of harmony and disharmony in one’s heart, emotions and mind. The clarity experienced in this way can be maintained through the development of intuitive skills. When we can truly listen to the constant flow of information from all of the visible and invisible sources available to us, we are free. Supportive Course Information: Why Intuition? Why now? It has become clear to me that 2010 is the year of Intuition . The word Intuition describes to me that incredibly wonderful and helpful 6th sense that flows inside us. It sometimes warns us of danger, sometimes whispers to us about how we may make a harmonious choice, sometimes gives us guidance that we never knew we could access, and frequently surprises us with it’s accuracy and truth. As human beings we are fraught with doubt about so many elements of our existence. We doubt our abilities, we doubt our choices, we doubt our relationships, and this all speaks to a doubt of ourselves. There is always a channel within us that is connected to a vaster consciousness, that is connected to the ‘master plan’ for us as individuals, and for all of earth kind. As humans we have our physical bodies, and our emotional and mental experiences and beliefs, and as an equal part of this combination which makes us human, we have our spiritual natures. We have a part of ‘us’ which can know about and hear everything that is invisible, that can sense the unspoken, and communicate with those realms that are intangible through the body. This side of ‘us’ is driven by our intuition. Intuition being the primary channel for the unseen truths that exist in all elements of our lives. To me, our intuition is our inner tutor , the direct voice which flows infinitely to our conscious beings from all other realms. This is a very vital and important gift. It will allow us to step away from our personal platforms and to hear with clarity from a perspective that is bigger than our own. It will allow us to act without personal judgment or prejudice. When we start to trust this intuition, this truth flowing through us, it will allow us to follow the bigger plan without second guessing our motives and actions. It will make it easier for us to flow through life rather than to resist it. Trusting intuition is not always easy. There are some concrete steps which can be taken to learn how to do this. What are you resisting? Why are you resisting it? If you don’t know the answer to these questions look to your intuition to safely bring through some guidance. Or ask for some guidance in developing the relationship with intuition that can carry you through all elements of life. This is akin to wanting to find the source of the Nile . Where does this ‘you’ that you know so well begin? Come and Join me in the discovery of your intuitive nature and the language through which it speaks to you. Again, and with Love, I encourage any one who wishes to ‘understand’ the language of truth which is ever available to us when we are open to it, to come and join me in the discovery of your intuitive nature and the language through which it speaks to you. Everything that we are, feel and do can be accomplished through communication with this wonderful sense, Intuition….it does not have to be a mysterious relationship available to only a few. And it can be so much fun too! Come and Join me in the discovery of your intuitive nature and the language through which it speaks to you. To join me, or if you would like further information, please send an email to Or give me a call at 250-538-0066 (Pacific Time) I look forward to hearing from you, Namaste, Anatara
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Achieve Freedom, Live a Better Life! But How?
Anatara, in partnership with Kiala at Quantum Play Journeys, will be holding a Tele-Seminar Series, a three-part program that consists of 18, live 2 hour classes and recordings. Both will talk about how people can entrain their bodies into the quantum field and achieve freedom.
Click here for more information about the series!
Start Your Journey To Happiness HERE!
Kiala and Anatara will also be holding a Quantum Journey at Kauai, Hawaii. Join them in an 11-day adventure as they bask in a unique experience that will reawaken their dormant DNA strands to not only harness a deeper connection with love, but also expand their intuitive abilities!
Click here for more information about the Quantum Journey!
Flowing Into Awareness is a bi-weekly program at YogaHub hosted by Anatara where she discusses the flow into the ultimate awareness of how you fit into your life and the world around you.
Click here to view the program on YogaHub or click on the items below to listen to the latest episodes.
Flowing Into Awareness (audio)
- 112: Altered States of Consciousness September 25, 2019
- 111: Certainty – Is This Helpful? September 11, 2019
- 110: Tune Up Your Senses They Will Serve You July 31, 2019
- 109: Let’s Talk About Formless Spiritual “Identity” July 17, 2019
- 108: Being Alone, is it a Blossoming or Isolation? July 3, 2019
Clients Speak Out
“As the healer’s healer, Anatara has the unique gift to zero in on the heart of any issue and offer insight... she always leaves me clearer, more optimistic and more trusting of myself to maintain my own connection to spirit.” by Dawn Young Salt Spring Island, B.C.-
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Quotes & Wisdom
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours the servant, and has forgotten the gift” by Albert Einstein